...was my first day in 43 days without a full on migraine! I am taking a new migraine medication that still leaves me feeling drugged but pain-free. I am hoping that my body will adjust to the medication and I won't feel so drugged so I can cope with life a bit better. I do not think I am out of the woods yet because I have had one day without a headache but I do think I am seeing the light!
I wanted to thank you for praying for me as I have gone through this. I have felt your prayers and your love!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Poll closed...Poll split...Now here is the patterns
This is my favorite Hobo like bag pattern that I have found online.
This is my favorite messenger bag I have found online.
Since my poll was split. What do you think about these patterns?
This is my favorite messenger bag I have found online.
Since my poll was split. What do you think about these patterns?
Friday, September 3, 2010
I saw this fabric at the fabric store earlier in the week but didn't purchase it because I couldn't decide what I use it for. I am practical like that. I haven't been able to get these cute little chubby children out of my mind but for the life of me I couldn't think of what to do with it. This afternoon my mom stopped by to pick up Emma for the night and asked me if I wanted to go with her back to the fabric store but I still had no creative spark. Over an hour later I felt like I got hit with a brick when I realized I could make a bag/diaper bag out of it. I am not sure what type of fabric it is exactly because I found it in the remnant bin with all of the canvas and upholstery material but it isn't quite that heavy but sturdy enough to make a bag. I happened to figure this out at the right time because my mom was able to swing over to my house after she had run some errands and take me with her to the fabric store during it sale. It was still there probably because I had stuck it in the bottom of the pile hoping no one would find it while I got my creative juices flowing. I was also able to find a contrasting fabric to line it with but now I am stuck with another creative dilemma. What kind of bag should I make? How big should it be? How many pockets? Who should it be for? It sure is hard to think creatively when you have a 23 day headache and are on pain meds and steroids. I am wondering if I should hold off doing anything with it until my mind is clear again. But that doesn't help keep my hands busy and I am wanting a project right now while I don't feel good. Dilemma's dilemma's.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less!
The truth of this song is like a healing balm to me.
My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less
By: Edward Mote
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteous;
No merit of my own I claim
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
When darkness veils his lovely face,
I ret on his unchanging grace;
In every high and story gale
My anchor holds within the veil.
On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
His oath, his covenant, his blood
Sustain me in the raging flood;
When all supports are washed away,
He then is all my hope and stay.
On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
When he shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh, may I then in him be found,
Clothed in his righteousness alone,
Redeemed to stand before the throne!
On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
I italicized the words that especially ministered to me this day.
My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less
By: Edward Mote
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteous;
No merit of my own I claim
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
When darkness veils his lovely face,
I ret on his unchanging grace;
In every high and story gale
My anchor holds within the veil.
On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
His oath, his covenant, his blood
Sustain me in the raging flood;
When all supports are washed away,
He then is all my hope and stay.
On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
When he shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh, may I then in him be found,
Clothed in his righteousness alone,
Redeemed to stand before the throne!
On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
I italicized the words that especially ministered to me this day.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I have been setting aside jeans that the kids have out grown or have ripped the knee's out of this year in hopes that I can make some Christmas presents this year out of our trash. These are some of the idea's I found on-line this evening. Some look easier than others. I feel inspired and I feel Christmas approaching fast. However, school is starting soon so we will see if I can do can get started sooner rather than later.
Jell-o disaster

I have been struggling with discouragement today, my headache is at its worst and the doctor hasn't returned my call for two days. Megan has also struggled in her own way with discouragement because she isn't healing as quickly as she was anticipating. Buddy and Emma are antsy and want to play but...it is raining outside and Megan and I aren't too exciting. So I tried to cheer up the household with a jell-o mold. Jell-o is happy and fun and silly and easy on a weary tummy. I made the jell-o and let it set up for 5 to 6 hours. I thought that would be enough time and then some. It seemed firm.
As I was about to release the jell-o from the mold I had a brief momentary thought, 'maybe I should look up online how to do this before I try'. But I thought, 'how hard can it be anyway?' Apparently, it isn't the easiest thing and it needs to set for longer than I thought. I had been fighting back tears off an on for over an hour when I tried this. The reason's for my tears was pure frustration with this episode of nasal pain. So at this moment a success in the mold meant more to me than...just ordinary jell-o. It was a release of my inability to resolve this pain.
Back to the mold. In my mind I thought if I filled the sink with boiling water and submerged the mold it would melt slightly and release. I place a plate on top of the mold and flipped. Out came cherry red jell-o water all over the counter, dripping down the cupboards, and onto the floor. Tears jumped to my eyes as quickly as the thought of bursting out in laughter. Jell-o is a happy thing after all. The jell-o didn't end up looking beautiful on the plate. I didn't get the satisfaction of doing something well but...I did get a different perspective. I was able to salvage some of the jell-o and I don't think these weeks of laying low with the headache are a complete loss either. God uses ALL things for his glory, even a jell-o disaster, and weeks of pain.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Up Early
This week has been a rough one! However, it started out well. We went on our first and only camping trip this summer with our church. We had a really lovely time besides not sleeping super well. We came home Monday and by Monday evening I was getting sick. I had a stomach bug until Wednesday, not fun, not fun at all!
Thursday I finally went to the doctor about this sinus headache that I have been suffering with for 3 weeks. She diagnosed me with a sinus polyp. She has be taking a decongestant, nasal spray/steroid, and antibiotic. I loath taking medicine but loath this headache more! She suspects that this treatment won't work...ugh! She thinks I may have to go on another week of steroids if that doesn't work have a CT scan. I told her that I was VERY sure the first round of treatment would work. Steroids and I don't get along!
This morning...well I hardly consider 3:30am morning...Megan woke up with the same stomach bug I had. I feel for her because she has it BAD but she was going to get to go to the Fish Festival today and get to meet Jeremy Camp. We have some good friends who went to college with him and that is how Megan was going to get to go. They have a daughter that Megan is very close with. When Megan was getting sick for the second time she realized she was going to miss out on the concert it really bummed her out.
So...it hasn't been the best week around here. I am praying next week doesn't have sickness ruling the stage. I pray it is full of homeschool preparations and deep house cleaning!
Thursday I finally went to the doctor about this sinus headache that I have been suffering with for 3 weeks. She diagnosed me with a sinus polyp. She has be taking a decongestant, nasal spray/steroid, and antibiotic. I loath taking medicine but loath this headache more! She suspects that this treatment won't work...ugh! She thinks I may have to go on another week of steroids if that doesn't work have a CT scan. I told her that I was VERY sure the first round of treatment would work. Steroids and I don't get along!
This morning...well I hardly consider 3:30am morning...Megan woke up with the same stomach bug I had. I feel for her because she has it BAD but she was going to get to go to the Fish Festival today and get to meet Jeremy Camp. We have some good friends who went to college with him and that is how Megan was going to get to go. They have a daughter that Megan is very close with. When Megan was getting sick for the second time she realized she was going to miss out on the concert it really bummed her out.
So...it hasn't been the best week around here. I am praying next week doesn't have sickness ruling the stage. I pray it is full of homeschool preparations and deep house cleaning!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Peach Pie
Today I made a peach pie. I am not a baker or pie maker but occasionally the urge will hit me to make something. I saw peaches on sale at Winco earlier this week and got some to try to remake a peach pie that my mom made when I was a kid. I have thought of this pie often over the years and have longed to replicate it. So today was the day to attempt this. My peaches were ripe and we are heading out of town to go camping and I knew my peaches wouldn't wait for me. This headache I have been nursing was at its friendliest level so I decided to go for it. I knew my energy level wasn't up for making the crust so I used a store bought crust and bought a puff pastry for the top.
It was simple to make especially when I had Emma to help me. The problem came when we went to eat it. The peaches had a really metallic taste to them and I couldn't even eat the peaches. I didn't let the whip cream or crust go to waste however.
Even though it didn't turn out how I anticipated it I am glad that I got to spend some time with Emma in the kitchen.
It was simple to make especially when I had Emma to help me. The problem came when we went to eat it. The peaches had a really metallic taste to them and I couldn't even eat the peaches. I didn't let the whip cream or crust go to waste however.
Even though it didn't turn out how I anticipated it I am glad that I got to spend some time with Emma in the kitchen.
Monday, August 16, 2010
I haven't blogged in a bit because I have been suffering from a some headaches. They hit in the afternoon and unless I take something I cannot function, blah! So writing hasn't been super appealing to me or easy for that matter. So if you think of me could you pray that these headaches cease? I think my family would appreciate me getting back to normal too! Thanks!!!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Family Time
Rick, my father in law, lives in San Francisco and comes home every other weekend if he is lucky. So every other weekend we try to have a small family get together. Here are a few pics from our last family get together.
Anaconda squeeze!!! |
We've got some kissin' cousins! |
Elizabeth has the cutest laugh, I can almost here it when I look at this picture! |
Olivia is shy and oh so sweet!!! |
Our men!!! |
Uncle with his guy! |
Blackberry Jelly Complete!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Blackberry Jelly

Today, my mom sister and I made 15 batches of blackberry jelly, which equals 56 jars. We started working at 10am and finished at 7. I all tuckered out but feel so blessed to have been able to do this! I have longed for this day for more years that I can recollect. It was a delight to do and the hard work was worth it. I may have only gotten to keep 19 of the jars but...I am still grateful. We won't be eating store bought jelly for a while. I may try my hand at it one more time! We shall see. There isn't that much summer left and there is so much to do! ! !
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I have already mentioned here before how Jason has a special story time with the kids. I am bringing up again tonight because I just wanted to mention that because of his story time it has helped me set a time away each evening to blog. It is nice to have a set time when the house is quiet and my day is coming to an end before I am too tired to see straight. I recently started another blog but this one is just for me. It is kind of like a diary of sorts. It is so nice to have a place to lay down my thoughts and record where God is taking us. Unfortunately, I am not always able to mention all the details here. So when it is a time that I need to remember the day privately I take it there.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Quilt (s)
A few months back...ok several months back I began making a quilt. When I started it I was still very much struggling figuring things out and reading, see me if you want more details. So needless to say I made an error or two along the way. I made up the pattern and just picked out fabrics I liked and didn't think about the quilt as a whole until I started trying to put it together. This works for some people but for me...not so much!
I began experiencing some panic about it because I realize the quilt wasn't really 'me' and I was investing a lot of money and time into it. I wanted it to be 'me' especially if it was going to be on MY bed.
About 3 weeks ago I was approaching what I thought was the end when...a fatal mistake was discovered. And no I am NOT being too dramatic. My mom graciously had drawn out the pattern I came up with for me and told me she only drew it until it started repeating. I didn't put this info in the part of my brain that can be accessed easily so...I didn't remember. I made the quilt all the way up to the first repeat which is about a 1/3 of the size it needed to be. This would have been fine if I had enough fabric to make it but I didn't, ahhhhhh.
I contemplated making into a twin size for Mel but the pattern would have run the wrong way and the fabrics I chose weren't pre-teen material. So...I am making three baby quilts out of my 1/3 of a queen, haha. Truth be told they are much nicer as baby quilt than it would have ever been as a queen.
Isn't that how God works. We head in one direction thinking we are doing one thing and disaster strikes and something better is made of it than we could have ever figured out in the first place. I have about a dozen expectant mom's in my life, no joke, and I have been trying to make a gift for each one. These quilts are going to be a nicer gift than a pair of baby booties any day. At least I think so. NOW

About 3 weeks ago I was approaching what I thought was the end when...a fatal mistake was discovered. And no I am NOT being too dramatic. My mom graciously had drawn out the pattern I came up with for me and told me she only drew it until it started repeating. I didn't put this info in the part of my brain that can be accessed easily so...I didn't remember. I made the quilt all the way up to the first repeat which is about a 1/3 of the size it needed to be. This would have been fine if I had enough fabric to make it but I didn't, ahhhhhh.
I contemplated making into a twin size for Mel but the pattern would have run the wrong way and the fabrics I chose weren't pre-teen material. So...I am making three baby quilts out of my 1/3 of a queen, haha. Truth be told they are much nicer as baby quilt than it would have ever been as a queen.
Isn't that how God works. We head in one direction thinking we are doing one thing and disaster strikes and something better is made of it than we could have ever figured out in the first place. I have about a dozen expectant mom's in my life, no joke, and I have been trying to make a gift for each one. These quilts are going to be a nicer gift than a pair of baby booties any day. At least I think so. NOW
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Grateful For This Time
On Monday Jason took the day off work and we ripped up the floors and I painted. So all week...ok...three days we have been living with particle board floors and exposed tack strips. It has felt like living in a construction zone. I have even more empathy for my friends who have lived in a 'work in progress' much longer than I have. Our routine is all off and it has led to sleepless nights for me. Weird I know, but what can I say, I'm weird.
This evening we got the most exciting call, I have received all week, that our carpet will be installed in the MORNING. No more dining in the living room at a card table.I think the kids will be kind of sad to have things back to normal because they have enjoyed having things all mixed up for a while. Me...not so much.
However, I am over the moon thrilled to be privileged enough to have the opportunity to be able to do some home improvement projects. God has richly blessed us with a home and the ability to make it a little more 'us'. We've waited many years to be in a construction zone, so I am grateful for this time.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
'Blog Worthy' or 'Not' That Was The Un~Asked Question
Ok...I haven't been able to figure out why I haven't felt good about anything I have blogged recently and I finally figured out why. I have gotten so used to facebook this blog has turned into a glorified facebook. I will make a concerted effort into making my blog post more 'blog worthy'.
In Church
This morning in church I was struck with the thought that I haven't captured a picture of Buddy cuddling with the family. He cuddles with everyone especially if they have bare skin showing. He loves to lay against bare arms and legs. This morning he was sucking his thumb and had his arms wrapped around Megan's legs while playing with a sticker book on the floor during the sermon at church. This was only my first attempt at many to capture him snuggling the family. He moves so fast and I want a candid shot. My strong desire to capture this is because I know it isn't going to last forever. Just like I know he won't be sucking his thumb forever either. So hopefully soon I will have a post of him cuddling with someone. :)
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Story Time
For the last couple of weeks Jason has been telling a continuous bedtime story to Buddy and Emma. They all have been getting really into it talking about story time at night. Today while I was at my Mom's working on some quilts the kids started playing there bedtime story. They included Megan in the game so tonight the house is brimming with excitement because Melanie and Megan get to participate in Daddy's bedtime story. To top it off Jason went on line and found pictures to illustrate his story.
They are all gathered around now sitting on the edge of there seats listening to dad tell his fascinating illustrated story. Memories are being made that will last longer than this moment. I am grateful for this moment and for my family!
They are all gathered around now sitting on the edge of there seats listening to dad tell his fascinating illustrated story. Memories are being made that will last longer than this moment. I am grateful for this moment and for my family!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Today, we had a bbq in the park with our some of our dearest friends our church family. It was such a joy to share the evening with them.
Monday, July 26, 2010
My Kids
Since I haven't blogged in a while that means I haven't posted any pictures of the kids in awhile either. So I thought I would post an everyday pic of my kids so you can see how they've grown. I think you also might be able to see that they have just a tad bit of personality too!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Recognizing His Grace in a BBQ
I took a step back from writing for a long time. I kept hoping I would be able to write again but each time I have approached it I have sensed, ‘no not time yet’. Well, I am not hearing that right now but...I am not hearing, ‘go for it’, either. So, if this is the only blog for a while you’ll know why. Here goes.
God has been working deeply in me for some time now. I have had to take a step back to give God time to work. Over a year ago I started to experience some physical problems that seemed to be very serious. After many Dr. visits and testing it came to that I have a problem in my heart. Not my physical one but my spiritual one. I had some real misconceptions of God and what He expected of me.
After this long year I have continually sensed Him impressing on my heart that I need to rest in Him and stop striving for His acceptance because I already have it. I am so grateful to be loved inside and out. I feel I am freer to live. I am not as bound up inside myself as I once was. I am finding that I am doing a lot more living. In fact today I found myself inviting the entire church to a BBQ at a park in two days. Wow, now that is living! I am so grateful that God takes His time and does things well. Along the way I would have loved to have rushed Him along but now I am beginning to see what kind of workmanship God does. He is a true craftsman; He knows what He is doing!!!!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Where have I seen God's grace today???
Where have I seen God's grace today???
To be honest today hasn't not been the easiest of days. I have been feeling overwhelmed and nervous about upcoming events. The to do list seems longer than attention span. My kids weren't terribly excited about doing school today which resulted in more moments of conflict than I would like to recount.
All these things and more caused me to search for God's grace in this day. My concerns about upcoming events haven't completely gone away but I have had the wonderful opportunity to talk through them with my husband who pointed me to a scripture that I had never read in the way he shared with me. It both challenged and convicted me. The to do list didn't get done and I did get distracted many times but...many things did get done. The kids did learn today somethings were academic and other things, the more important things were taught too. Today was one of those days where He was here guiding me and walking me through those not so easy moments but His presence was very subtle and at times I missed it. Many of situations I felt like I blew it but I also deeply feel His forgiveness and love. What an amazing gift of grace, His forgiveness.
To be honest today hasn't not been the easiest of days. I have been feeling overwhelmed and nervous about upcoming events. The to do list seems longer than attention span. My kids weren't terribly excited about doing school today which resulted in more moments of conflict than I would like to recount.
All these things and more caused me to search for God's grace in this day. My concerns about upcoming events haven't completely gone away but I have had the wonderful opportunity to talk through them with my husband who pointed me to a scripture that I had never read in the way he shared with me. It both challenged and convicted me. The to do list didn't get done and I did get distracted many times but...many things did get done. The kids did learn today somethings were academic and other things, the more important things were taught too. Today was one of those days where He was here guiding me and walking me through those not so easy moments but His presence was very subtle and at times I missed it. Many of situations I felt like I blew it but I also deeply feel His forgiveness and love. What an amazing gift of grace, His forgiveness.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Learning to find God's grace
I have come to see that giving grace is next to impossible unless I understand the grace that has been given to me from God through his son Jesus. So I am setting out to look for area's I see God's grace. I am praying as I see and come to know his grace more personally that it will be made real in me and that I will see it working in my life.
Today, I felt that I saw His grace in so many ways. One of the ways I saw His grace was in the way God is meeting out family's needs. God provided for our family in such a way that it was undeniably God. He has a way of showing us He hears and listens that feels like a loving and gentle kiss. I am so very grateful for His eyes looking upon me and my family.
Today, I felt that I saw His grace in so many ways. One of the ways I saw His grace was in the way God is meeting out family's needs. God provided for our family in such a way that it was undeniably God. He has a way of showing us He hears and listens that feels like a loving and gentle kiss. I am so very grateful for His eyes looking upon me and my family.
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