Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Eating for Health

I am so eager for my family to get healthy. I have been reading several books that have been really useful in teaching me about nutrition. I am by no means an expert in fact I feel less than a novice. But I am embarking and an adventure that is so very exciting.

I have struggled with depression since...well...I guess always. God worked amazing things in my life that has taken me out of the deepest of pits that I never thought I could climb out of. But it is still a struggle I face on a daily, hourly, and moment by moment basis. I have long thought that if I ate better and exercised that it would dramatically effect me.

Over the last year I have tried a few things but have felt they weren't enough and I wasn't able to keep up my motivation.

What I am doing now is so much more drastic and life changing than anything I have ever attempted.

I have been reading Dr. Fuhrman's books on health. I started reading Eat to Live, which is good. Now I am reading Eat for Health and I am really enjoying it. He makes some wild claims that eating in the healthy way that he suggests it can cure many ailments. I have to tell you I have been skeptical and Jason well he is beyond that. But with eating this way for a couple of weeks now I am feeling so much better it is beyond words.

I have gone all day not even realizing I forgot to drink my morning coffee. For you that know me very well know I don't function well without it. I am have been full, and enjoying the fact that I am taking care of the temple He provided me with.

We are attempting to take out all dairy, meat, and processed foods. Wild huh! Just taking dairy out is wild let alone meat and processed foods. We still have been having meat with diner most nights but that is about it. What got me was the fact he suggesting by not starting taking things away from your diet like meat, dairy, and processed foods but adding a pound of veggies and all the fruit you can eat. When you start with that your tummy doesn't have a lot of room for the other stuff. So it has been easier for us to let go of everything else.

I am really excited about this and wanted to share it with you. I know it has been forever and a day since I have blogged. But I am planning on sharing more of this process here with you. Until then...


OnlyByHisGrace said...

This is EXCITING! God bless you as you seek Him and desire to be healthy for Him. I am on this journey with you...I sometimes feel it is like one step forward, two steps back, but that is Satan's lie because there is progress...just not as fast and dramatic as I would like. I will keep you in prayer for this too. Don't give up! Persevere!

Stephanie said...

I think this is awesome! It is huge, I am not sure I could do it... actually I probably couldn't, but I am so proud of you for doing it!!!

We are trying to give up all food dyes and High Fructose Corn syrup. It's very hard to find anything that doesn't have those things in it.

So you are basically going to be Vegan and whole food right? Do you have lots of recipes to use? I am no good with veggies, so I would need lots of really good recipes to attempt this LOL.