Today, after school I decided that it would be cool to make Swedish Polt. If you don't know what that is don't feel dumb it isn't a very common dish at all. You grid up potato's mix it with flour and salt. Then you pat it flat and put meat inside. We use salt pork, bacon, and hamburger. You take the potato flour mixture and wrap it around the meat making a ball. Then you boil it. The thing most people find strange is how we eat it. We serve it with butter and...jelly. Yep, jelly. To be more specific we like lingonberry preserves.
Today, I thought I would make enough to feed an army, literally. I used twenty pounds of potato's, two pounds of hamburger, a pound of bacon, a slab of salt pork, probably ten pounds of flour. The reason why it took so long is the meat grinder that I used on my kitchen aid isn't very powerful and it took forever to grind up the twenty pounds of tators. To top it off I forgot to send some home with my parents. We are going to have left overs for.....ever!
Wow! That's alot of polt! It looks like all of you enjoyed making it though!!!
I think it sounds good, I want to try it sometime :)
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