Thursday, September 18, 2008

Emma's Un-Birthday

Our little Emma has really regretted missing a birthday party this year. We were about to move and chose to go to the beach (which she wanted) to have a little get away before the storm of the big move. So ever since then she has been asking for a birthday party and wanting to know when her birthday comes again. So Jason and I decided to have an Un-Birthday for her. She is so excited. We were thinking having grandparents over. But she wanted kids. We wanted small, easy, no frills. You guessed she wants the whole shoot and shabang. We are compromising. She is having cousins and two little girls from church over for the not so un-party. I will post pictures after her party on Sunday.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

That is a beautiful picture of her!

And tell her Happy Un Birthday from me :)