Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Thank you Erin

It took me long enough but I finally got it up there. As you can see I need something to go on my little shelves but all in good time, it has to be the right thing.


Stephanie said...

I am sad to see that you went with that statement instead of "Did everything come out okay?"

LMBO, just kidding!

It looks SO great! I can't wait to have a house so I can do stuff like that on the walls... that is one of my favorite looks for rooms!

Tami said...

That looks great Ang!! So does your new blog design!! I love it!!

Molly said...

I LOVE it Anggi! I want to do one of those but I haven't found the right place/ come up with the nerve yet.

Erin said...

Oh! I like it! I love the angle you chose!