Sunday, February 1, 2009


We found bunk beds and a dresser on Craigslist for Mel and Meg and picked them up on Saturday. My Mom and Dad kept the kids so we could pick it up in one trip. Jason and I enjoyed our quiet ride to Tigard to pick them up however, the ride home was not so lovely. Jason had to move my seat all the way up to fit everything into the van. I was praying we didn't get into a car accident but at the same time I was thinking my legs will be gone for sure and I will finally get the electric scooter I have always wanted. We made it home without incident but Jason may tell you that I whined a little.

The kids are thrilled beyond thrilled with their room change and new beds. Mel and Meg gave Buddy and Emma their old beds so now the little ones have big kids beds. Megan has the top bunk and Emma and Jason think she is uber cool. Emma is counting down the days till she gets a bunk bed or perhaps crying till the day she gets a bunk bed is a more accurate account.


Erin said...

Oh that is funny! I am glad you made it home in ONE PIECE and safely! And I am so happy the kids are so excited about their new beds and rooms!

Anonymous said...

Spacify offers Kids Beds and more at reasonable prices.