Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sad Song

Today Jason and I were feeling a bit stir crazy and didn't really feel like cleaning the garage as we had planned. We were looking for a low cost high impact thing to do with the kids (minus Melanie, she is at the grandparents). So we decided to take the kids to Janzen Beach and ride the carousel and eat at the food court. They totally loved the ride but...then we had lunch. I was seated next to Buddy who had a full view of the carousel. He could not take a bite of his food he was so preoccupied with wanting back on the ride again. So we sat there trying to explain to him that we would not be going on the ride unless he ate his food. He didn't exactly eat so we decided to walk around the mall. Megan had money burning a hole in her pocket that she got for her birthday so we tried to find a store for her to find a special treasure. It has been so long since we have been to Janzen Beach I didn't realize that practically half of the stores were closed. Then, Emma really had to go potty. I sent her into her stall and then stood at the entrance of the bathrooms to see how Buddy was doing because he was still struggling with not getting to ride the carousel again. I look back into the bathroom to find Emma walking around with her pants around her ankles saying she can't go potty. The automatic flush kept going off and scarring her so bad that she could go. To make a long story short(er) she finally was able to go but Jason and I realized that this wasn't going well and it would be best if we headed home. As we headed to the car I heard Emma mumbling to herself so I asked her what she was saying. She said that she was singing. So I asked her what song she was singing so I could sing with her. She said, "Mom it's a sad song!" And truly it was.

We ended up coming home and started in on the garage, like we should have in the first place.


Erin said...

OH, that is so cute what Emma said! We too decided to "TRY" to do something as a family today. We took the kids to Burgerville and then went to see Despereaux. Mollie could not even sit still for five minutes and I ended up paying for two hours of lecturing and threatening my daughter. To top it off, it was a little too serious to be a kids movie. Not too happy about it all but at least we tried.

Anggi said...

That was our other plan to see that movie but I knew my little guy was not going to have it. I am sorry you had trouble making a special day too!

Stephanie said...

Ahhh that is sad (you and Erin both). But cute (what Emma said).

Oh and Despereaux is really for older kids. We couldn't even finish the book when Brynna was younger (5 I think) cause she was having nightmares. Erin, sorry you wasted your money... that is how I felt about Wall-E. I spent a lot of time outside with Caleb :(