Movie Reviews
I think I understand now why it says genus for the readability level. It is because it is hard to understand my train of thought. I don't get this. I think it's a joke.
Are you kidding me??? I guess I have all these intelligent friends. I didn't post mine because it said "junior high!" Haha!
Erin, you know me. I am not even close to intelligent. That is why I find it so hilarious.
You are too intelligent missy!
That is why you mispelled genious in your comment too LMBO!!!Sorry I am just cracking up now... not laughing at you, but with you (or next to you, whatever the case may be) hee hee.
You know what I had to look at Erin's comment to remember how to spell intelligent. This whole blog readability level thing is a joke.
OMgoodness, now I am really cracking up, I misspelled it too HAHAHA :)
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I think I understand now why it says genus for the readability level. It is because it is hard to understand my train of thought. I don't get this. I think it's a joke.
Are you kidding me??? I guess I have all these intelligent friends. I didn't post mine because it said "junior high!" Haha!
Erin, you know me. I am not even close to intelligent. That is why I find it so hilarious.
You are too intelligent missy!
That is why you mispelled genious in your comment too LMBO!!!
Sorry I am just cracking up now... not laughing at you, but with you (or next to you, whatever the case may be) hee hee.
You know what I had to look at Erin's comment to remember how to spell intelligent. This whole blog readability level thing is a joke.
OMgoodness, now I am really cracking up, I misspelled it too HAHAHA :)
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