Friday, May 23, 2008

Summer Reading Kick Off

Ok. Here is an idea I had just a few minutes ago. I was thinking we could have a summer reading kick off at the Fort Vancouver Library. We could explain how they could win a bronze, silver, or gold medal for reading. Afterwards we could head over to Officer's Row and have a picnic lunch and let the kids play to their hearts content. I was thinking the sooner they start reading and keeping track of their reading the better. Which brings me to my next thought. It would probably would be best if each child kept a written account of each book they read. This way they can't loose count but they also can visually see how much they have accomplished.

For the younger children I had another idea. I have a pre-schooler and school age kids so maybe we could adjust the parameters for the younger kids so that they could also participate. This might help the younger siblings become excited about reading too.

I am going to be working on putting together a reading list for my kids pulling from several resources. First, from Sunlight curriculum, secondly, the Library recommended books for their reading level, and thirdly... well I don't have a thirdly but I am sure I will come up with a thirdly soon enough.

Please, if you have a friend that you think would enjoy joining us in any or all of the summer educational ideas I had please invite them. If you would like to do the pen pal thing we need to get the word out their so that each child has 3 or 4 names to write too.

I am excited about this summer, how about you?


Tami said...

I think all those ideas sound like fun Ang!! We're in! My kids will love it and I was trying to figure out how to keep things fresh in their minds during the summer so that next year when school starts, they are mush brains! Thanks and I can't wait to get started. The kids aren't done with school until the 17th of June though so we won't be able to start until then. Although I guess we could start the reading part since that doesn't involve getting all together accept for the big kick off!

Stephanie said...

You know I am in... I can't do it until the 17th either... well actually Brynna is reading two books a day from school, so maybe those could count?

Erin said...

Jones cannot read yet but our kids would love to be a part too (maybe with Mommy reading to them.) :)

Tami said...

Erin, I'm going to do that with Nathan so that he can be a part. I will also do some reading to Silas and count it. I will require him to read a good number of books to me though. He will be in first grade next year and will be doing lots of reading I'm sure!!

Hannah said...

I'm excited to read all about it!!! Plus your giving me great idea for later :)! Wish I could help out in the pen pal department... maybe in a couple of years... your so creative!

Stephanie said...

Anggi, make up an email and mail it to me, I will email it to my friends and see if they are interested :)